02 April, 2012

Day 10

Since a lot of things have changed in my life I figured that I would update the survey I did a long time ago.... So here are some things about the author of this blog. Enjoy :)

I am... Madeline Madsen
I want... a house and kids
I have... an amazing family
I wish... it was summer already so we can go camping.
I hate...  being cooped up indoors
I fear... the unknown
I hear... my hubby talking to me :)
I search... for answers 
I wonder... what this year will bring
I regret... nothing
I love... my husband and step-daughter
I ache... when I overdue it
I always... love spending time with my family
I usually... am very smart
I am not... your average woman
I dance... when I want to
I sing... when I hear a song I love
I never... let myself get taken advantage of.... anymore
I rarely... let things get to me
I cry... when I hurt, emotionally or physically
I am not always... the perfect person
I lose... at nothing, just kidding. At poker, quite frequently
I am confused... about things I will never know the answer to
I need... to start going on hikes more often
I should... follow my dreams and never settle

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